Artist Talk with Arian Christiaens

In a conversation between Arian Christiaens, Tomas Uyttendaele (gallery holder), and the audience, we discuss the current exhibition and her previous work Xenia.

Afterwards, there will be the opportunity to share your thoughts and have a drink in De Publieke Huiskamer.

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For the project In Camera Arian combines two intimate photo archives, that of herself and that of her parents, with new images to create a body of work that questions the construction of identities, relationships and the medium itself.

A new work, 3362 lines of black, marks a slight shift in Arian's practice, with her increasingly handing over the process of making and experimenting with different materials.  This hand-woven rug is made in collaboration with her mother.

On the other side of the gallery, she has a residency with her son in which she explores the dynamic between maker and subject, between authorship and letting go.


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Friday: 14h - 18h
Saturday: 14h - 18h
or by appointment